Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Other Video Endeavors! 

I also make videos for company's.  This is what I really want to do for my career.  I want to get paid to be creative.  I think I'm pretty good at it.  I have a GoPro I use for when I do ski/snowboarding or water videos and I also have a Sony Nex-7 Camera.  It is the best camera I have ever used.  I have to thank my grandparents for that because when they died they left me money to be able to get it.  Anyway check out my video below and let me know what you think!  And go to Stowe Chiropractic!  Dr. Peet Rules! :)

C2C - Down The Road (official video starring Richie Jackson)

The Perfect Song

Hello again! So i've been working a lot on my video for the Stowe Busters and I finally finished the intro.  I used a song that I absolutely loved.  It really gets you pumped about what your about to watch. I also think the song dictates my creative motives.  I generally have an idea about what I want the video to look like before I pick a song but once I pick the song then I can really start to develop the look of the video.
My intro is great but now I'm stuck... I'm not really sure what song I want to use.  This is the part of the video where I am going to highlight each class and show clips of the kids skiing and having fun.  I'm just really not sure what song to use and its driving me nuts.  I have an aversion to using songs i've used in other videos. I feel like its cheating on that video someone... But if I can't find something I'm really into then I might just have to do that. 

Anyway, below is the song I picked for my intro!  Love this song :) Little Southern twang in there but upbeat and modern.  Such a good song!

Friday, July 19, 2013

What I am currently working on - STOWEBUSTERS

"Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble... It's called fun!" - Good Morning Vietnam

 That quote is probably the best way to describe my Stowebuster group I had for the past two years. They are a group of AMAZING 11-14 yearolds, who love to ski but also LOVE to make as much mischeif as possible. The shenanigans my kids create is harmless but also very hilarious. I have ten of these kids every weekend all season long, Needless to say we get very close.  I made a video specifically for my class last year which I put together from video and pictures I took during the winter season.  It was a lot of fun to pick music that we had listened too during our chairlift rides and putting it to the video and pictures that I had collected. What I sent to them I hope they will keep for forever as a reminder of the great season we had together as a group. It kind of reminded me of a virtual yearbook, documenting the events that took place.

This year I expanded on this idea of a class video and decided to try to create an all encompassing Stowebuster video,  This would still just include the older kids (not minibusters age 4-6) and would include all classes. The way I went about collecting video was to give each instructor my gopro video camera for the day. I told each instructor how to use it on the chest mount and gave them instructions on what type of shots I was looking for. Some instructors did a create job while others got enough shots but not great ones.  So I also collect as many pictures as I could as well as any video the indiviual instructos had taken themselves with their phones or own camera.

THIS is what I am currently working on.

I have a Macbook pro laptop 15inch screen and I use Final Cut, which I like a lot. The hard part about this video is the editing of the video that each instructor took.  I have to go through each video and final smaller clips that I want to use in the main video. It is taking a lot of time, but last night I stated working on the intro and so far it looks really good, and i'm quite pleased with my work so far.

I hopefully will have time this week or next to keep working on it. I need to have it complete by November! Which seems like a long way a way but it will creep up on me before I know it!

Back to work I go...

The start to something big...

My name is Kirby and I'm starting a blog to both document my start to a production business and to also share information about creating your own video at home.
Throughout my life I have been creating fun video and picture montages for my friends and family. I have also created a few videos for various companies.  Some have been put on their website and others have just been used for company events. 
I really love creating these types of videos and have a great passion for photography and videography.  I am currently in the process of turning this passion into a career though the start up is slow.  Hense the blog which I think will help me express my ideas and kickstart my goal of making this a life long career.