Friday, July 19, 2013

What I am currently working on - STOWEBUSTERS

"Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble... It's called fun!" - Good Morning Vietnam

 That quote is probably the best way to describe my Stowebuster group I had for the past two years. They are a group of AMAZING 11-14 yearolds, who love to ski but also LOVE to make as much mischeif as possible. The shenanigans my kids create is harmless but also very hilarious. I have ten of these kids every weekend all season long, Needless to say we get very close.  I made a video specifically for my class last year which I put together from video and pictures I took during the winter season.  It was a lot of fun to pick music that we had listened too during our chairlift rides and putting it to the video and pictures that I had collected. What I sent to them I hope they will keep for forever as a reminder of the great season we had together as a group. It kind of reminded me of a virtual yearbook, documenting the events that took place.

This year I expanded on this idea of a class video and decided to try to create an all encompassing Stowebuster video,  This would still just include the older kids (not minibusters age 4-6) and would include all classes. The way I went about collecting video was to give each instructor my gopro video camera for the day. I told each instructor how to use it on the chest mount and gave them instructions on what type of shots I was looking for. Some instructors did a create job while others got enough shots but not great ones.  So I also collect as many pictures as I could as well as any video the indiviual instructos had taken themselves with their phones or own camera.

THIS is what I am currently working on.

I have a Macbook pro laptop 15inch screen and I use Final Cut, which I like a lot. The hard part about this video is the editing of the video that each instructor took.  I have to go through each video and final smaller clips that I want to use in the main video. It is taking a lot of time, but last night I stated working on the intro and so far it looks really good, and i'm quite pleased with my work so far.

I hopefully will have time this week or next to keep working on it. I need to have it complete by November! Which seems like a long way a way but it will creep up on me before I know it!

Back to work I go...

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